Cold weather persists in Punjab, Haryana

Cold wave conditions continue in Odisha


Cold weather conditions prevailed in most places in Punjab and Haryana on Thursday, with minimum temperatures hovering below normal limits.

Chandigarh, the common capital of the two states, recorded a low of 6.7 degrees Celsius, a Meteorological Department report said here.

In Punjab, Amritsar reeled at a low of 4.2 degrees Celsius while Patiala registered a low of 7.5 degrees Celsius. Ludhiana recorded a minimum of 7.5 degrees Celsius.

Narnaul in Haryana experienced a cold night at 4.7 degrees Celsius while biting chill prevailed in Hisar, which recorded a low of 5.8 degrees Celsius.

The minimum temperature in Ambala settled at 6.5 degrees Celsius while Karnal recorded a low of 6.2 degrees Celsius.