Climate protesters chain themselves to Merkel’s chancellery

'Moment of truth' at key UN climate summit


Dozens of German “extinction rebellion” protesters Tuesday chained themselves to the fence of Angela Merkel’s chancellery, demanding she declare a “climate emergency”.

The activists sent the keys to unlock them to all 13 government ministries along with letters formulating their demands, including to effectively cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2025.

“The current climate policy puts our future at risk,” said one 17-year-old demonstrator who asked not to be named.

“We will have to bear the physical cost of today’s inaction.”

Another, who gave her name as Natalie, told AFP :”The goal today is to raise awareness about the climate catastrophe.”

“We want the press and politicians to tell the truth about the climate crisis, and a state of climate emergency to be declared.”

Together with some 50 supporters, the chained-up protesters chanted a slogan from the Fridays for Future rallies: “What do we want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now!”

Extinction Rebellion describes itself as an international movement using non-violent civil disobedience “to achieve radical change in order to minimise the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse”.