CISF remains in operation with its in-house ‘e-Karyalay’ app

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New Delhi:

Central Industrial Security Force, a multifaceted force provides security coverage to virtually all economy driven domains such as airports, ports, steel plants, oil sector, coal sector, atomic energy, space sector, metro rail and many more to enumerate.

Being a service-oriented organization, it always thrives to incorporate key technological aspects into its functioning to deliver its services to clients in more befitting manner. To keep the pace, its IT wing is working tirelessly for transformation of conventional methods of functioning to digital functioning. They have developed various IT applications IN-HOUSE for distinct functional streams such as Administrative (e-Vetan, Legal, TIMS-Technical Inventory Management System, Operational (WARRoom and Bio-Metric Kote Management System), Welfare (e-Leave, e-Grievance, Securitypedia etc), Training (TMS-Training Management System) and many more to count at zero cost to state exchequer. Application like Lost & Found developed for Airports and Metro, providing the very much-anticipated service to passenger who was previously battling to locate their missed belongings.

In this lockdown era of Covid-19, whole Govt machinery is toiling hard to remain in operation. In the present situation of lockdown, movement of physical system of file handling has been temporarily delayed. Because of this, operations are literally dragging and have created towering hump of files in every office. Non-essential services may wait but there are various essential services, which need to be first taken out of this towering hump and be attended immediately.

CISF IT wing is here again with its In-House developed web application “e-Karyalay”. This is an application, which mimics each and every function of traditional file movement in CISF. To handle various securities related concerns and to pace with the existing standard, it has embodied the digital signature features. This application has been hosted at CISF cloud having all security arrangements in place to safeguard the data. Further a data recovery site has also been established to maintain 24X7 services of e-Karyalay.

It bifurcate overall features/functions of e-karyalay into FILE MANAGEMENT and DAK MANAGEMENT. It gives same visual look similar to traditional file, having noting on left and all correspondence and attachments on right. Files may be opened, worked, parked and closed in the same manner. Dak Management handles all sorts of communication between various levels of functional hierarchy. It offers feature of transferring the DAK directly to the file noting.

CISF IT wing is burning the midnight oil to implement e-Karyalay in all offices spread throughout the nation and today because of e-Karyalay, all CISF formations across the length and breadth of India are working seamlessly without any stocking of files. All businesses whether essential or otherwise are happening as usual.

These developments of CISF are also acknowledged and appreciated by other organizations and many of them have also approached CISF for implementation in their own organization. Like M-Power mobile application developed keeping in view of its personnel’s welfare has won NCRB running trophy in 2016 while Training Management System in 2018. Further Lost and Found application received FICCI Smart Policing Award in 2016.

Further CISF is one unique kind of department of Govt of India, which causes zero burden over Govt exchequer. IT wing of CISF is always working to maintain this tradition and philosophy of CISF by developing all IT applications in-house without having any cost to Govt. exchequer.