China welcomes Trump-Kim meeting; describes it as ‘constructive’

Trump warns Kim has 'everything' to lose through hostility


China on Monday welcomed the meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the demilitarised zone (DMZ) dividing the Korean peninsula, saying their “constructive” interaction yielded positive outcomes.

Trump stepped onto North Korean soil on Sunday and met Kim in the DMZ. The two leaders agreed to set up teams to resume stalled nuclear talks.

This was their third encounter. Their previous meetings at Singapore and Hanoi failed to bring about a breakthrough to end North Korea’s nuclear programme which lead to the imposition of heavy sanctions by the UN.

Asked for comments on Trump-Kim meeting, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told the media that China welcomed the meeting.

“The two leaders had a friendly meeting which should be welcomed. Their constructive meeting yielded positive outcomes,” he said.

Both leaders walked past the DMZ line between the South and North Korea, Geng said.

“The meeting is important specifically for the US and both Koreas to discuss re-starting working-level consultations in the near future,” he said, adding that China welcomes and supports that move.

Trump’s meeting with Kim followed last month’s surprise visit of President Xi Jinping to North Korea, the first by a Chinese leader in 14 years. Trump had accused Xi in the past of influencing Kim in the finalisation of the deal for de-nuclearisation of Korean Peninsula.

Geng said Xi’s recent visit to North Korea has injected “new political impetus” for the political settlement of the Peninsula issue.

This round of interactions between US, North and South Koreas serves the common interests of all parties and meets the common aspiration of international community, he said.

“We hope the two countries seize this opportunity, meet each other halfway, explore effective ways to resolve each other’s concerns and work for more progress for de-nuclearisation and political settlement of the Peninsula,” he said.