Bill Maher invokes Clinton in warning to Dems about Trump indictment: ‘Sex scandals don’t work on presidents’

“Real Time” host Bill Maher closed his show Friday by warning Democrats that the indictment of former President Donald Trump over his alleged falsified business records regarding Stormy Daniels could backfire, urging them to “remember the past” or they’ll be “condemned to repeat it.”

“This whole ‘going after the president for f—ing around’ thing — I’ve seen this movie before. It was called ‘Kill Bill,’” Maher told viewers while showing an image of former President Bill Clinton. “And America did not like it the first time.”

Maher recapped Clinton’s scandal involving his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, which ultimately led to his impeachment.


“The Republicans exposed him as a dirty, filthy, disgusting sex-doer. And when they were done with him, he had an approval rating of 73%,” Maher said. “This despite every Republican on every TV station for two years saying, ‘What do we tell the children?’ And those children are today’s millennials who, according to polls, don’t know anything about it and don’t care.”

“And as I watched the circus around our latest horny ex-president… it seems worth asking the Democrats having gone through this yourselves, what don’t you get about sex scandals don’t work on presidents?” Maher continued. “Because no matter what the underlying legal reasons are that underpin a sex scandal, to the average person, it’s just always going to be about sex. Nothing can compete. Law is boring. It’s the constitutional equivalent of golf.”

The HBO star stressed how people during the Clinton scandal weren’t talking about the perjury but instead the lewd details about his relationship with Lewinsky and how the same will apply to Trump and that Americans will tune out the falsifying business records he was accused by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg of doing. 

“There’s a reason every news outlet in the country recently ran the headline, ‘How strong is the case against Trump?’ It’s their way of saying, ‘Don’t get your hopes up,'” Maher told his audience. 


“And to at least half the country, it looks like you tried to get him on Russia, and you tried to get him on Ukraine, and you tried to get him on classified documents and you didn’t, so now you went for the old reliable. Congratulations, you found out powerful men have an Achilles heel: their b—s,” Maher continued before insisting the same happened with Clinton beginning with the Whitewater probe.

Maher also mocked Republicans, who claimed during the Clinton scandal that they “hated” to investigate Clinton but “their hands were tied by the rule of law,” telling his audience, “Like Monica, most people found all that a little hard to swallow.”


“Of course, Clinton’s situation and Trump’s have important differences. Clinton was in office and Trump is not. Trump’s case hinges on an NDA and Clinton’s was more about DNA,” Maher quipped about Lewinsky’s infamous blue dress. “But there are also important similarities… Neither wife could stand to hold their husband’s hand, and both men claim they lied to protect the person they really loved. In Clinton’s case, Hillary. And in Trump’s case, him.”

Maher added: “The element that most vitally sets these two cases apart is this — Republicans went after Clinton on sex because they didn’t have anything else. They had combed through his life like a school nurse looking for head lice and all they ever could come up with was the b— job. But Democrats didn’t have to do this. Trump commits real crimes. He commits them on TV. He instructed justice. He pressured state election officials to fix an election on tape… He asks other countries to interfere in our elections publicly… He sides with our enemies… He refuses to concede elections and thereby incites insurrection.”

The liberal host acknowledged how “cathartic bordering on ecstatic” its was for him to see Trump arrested and brought to court and that it “feels right,” but warned Democrats that “when the real indictments come down for the really serious offenses, we’ll have shot our wad on Stormy Daniels.”

“We’ll be so used to seeing Trump hauled into court, it’ll be no big whoop. Just like how we got used to watching him get impeached. And that’s a real shame because I was saving my good drugs for Georgia,” Maher added.