Biden allies open fire on RFK Jr. as president struggles to unite Democrats

Democrats supporting President Biden are more openly attacking presidential challenger Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as the president struggles to unite the blue party behind him.

Several Biden-backing operatives have opened fire on Kennedy amid online drama between him, podcast host Joe Rogan, Twitter owner Elon Musk, and Baylor College of Medicine tropical medicine dean Dr. Peter Hotez.

Kennedy appeared on Rogan’s podcast last week, prompting a response from Hotez that ignited an online firestorm between the foursome of prominent Americans and a challenge for Hotez to debate Kennedy on vaccines.


Since then, Biden-linked accounts on Twitter have been unloading on Kennedy, even going after his heroin addiction and possession felony..

“Why does the MSM never mention that RFK Jr. is actually a convicted felon?” Democrat strategist Chris Jackson wrote. “How is this normal?”

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., hands shaking but voice loud and clear, pleaded guilty Friday to a felony charge of heroin possession,” Jackson continued.

Jackson went on to write he is “all for second chances, especially in regards to drug use,” but “that doesn’t mean your slate is wiped clean when you decide you want to run for president.”

Former Draft Biden finance chair Jon Cooper likened Kennedy to the Democrat boogeyman, former President Donald Trump.

“So many similarities between Robert Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump: Both have legions of QAnon-believing supporters, [b]oth are Putin apologists,” Cooper wrote. “Both are backed by far-right fascists like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, [b]oth are serial philanderers, [b]oth are arrogant narcissists.”

Democrat social media influencer Harry Sisson, who has been given access to the Biden White House, attacked Kennedy as “a complete and total fraud.”

“The guy pretends to be a Democrat and then attacks Biden and pushes his anti-vax conspiracy crap,” Sisson said.

“Can’t wait to watch Biden trounce him in the primary,” Sisson added.

Podcast host and 2020 Biden delegate Victor Shi tweeted a thread challenging Kennedy “to go on Jon Stewart’s show.”

“I want RFK Jr. to face what real, tough questions are like. I want RFK Jr. to sit face to face with Jon Stewart, one of the best interviewers of our time,” Shi said about the comedian.

“Jon Stewart will rip RFK Jr. into shreds [and] it will be glorious,” he continued.

“Same goes for Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. If they’re so confident about their claims about the vaccine, surely joining Jon Stewart on his show won’t be a problem, right?” Shi wrote. “Time for them to experience what a real, smart interviewer is like.”

“[Stewart], I hope you [and] your team will try and get them on. And I hope you’ll update us as to whether or not they agree,” Shi said. “If there’s anyone who could own them like they’ve never seen before, it’s you.”

Rogan and Musk touched off a firestorm over the weekend as they pushed a prominent vaccine scientist to debate Democratic candidate and noted vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Rogan’s popular podcast.

Rogan offered Dr. Peter Hotez $100,000 to the charity of his choice if he agreed to debate Kennedy on Rogan’s program after Hotez slammed a recent interview Kennedy had on Rogan’s program as “awful” and “nonsense.” Kennedy, who is making a bid for the 2024 Democratic nomination, repeated unfounded claims he has long made like vaccines cause autism, and he and Rogan also discussed what they viewed as the dangers of 5G technology and the power of the pharmaceutical industry.

Several other figures also offered large sums to encourage Hotez – a frequent guest on CNN and MSNBC during the pandemic who pushed controversial mask and vaccine mandates – to debate with Kennedy, the Democratic scion who has been praised by some corners of the right for his criticisms of COVID-19 vaccines.

After Hotez said he would be happy to talk to Rogan, Rogan shot back it was a “non-answer” and that Hotez had agreed with a “dogs–t” Vice article that attacked his interview with Kennedy. Several other outlets along with Vice also attacked Spotify, the streaming giant that airs Rogan’s show, for not labeling the interview misinformation. 

Musk, the billionaire Twitter owner who often ventures into debates and discussions on the platform, chimed in that Hotez was “afraid of a public debate.” Hotez called Musk’s posture “monstrous,” to which Musk responded that he was generally pro-vaccine but had concerns about the COVID shots.

Fox News Digital’s David Rutz contributed reporting.