Assam allows inter-district travel till May 2


The Assam government on Monday extended inter-district movement of the stranded people till May 2 in personal and public transport with prior approval from the concerned authorities.

The decision of travel within the state was taken during a meeting of the Cabinet, Assam Parliamentary Affairs Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary told reporters here.

“The Cabinet decided to allow this inter-district movement till May 2,” he said.

Explaining the reasons behind the extension, Patowary said many people could not make journey during the permitted days and the authorities were getting information that a considerable section of the stranded people could not book their tickets through 104 helpline.

“During the first two days, 27,000 tickets were offered by ASTC to travel within the state. We initially got queries from more than 41,000 people in the 104 helpline,” he added.

On Sunday, the movement of those stranded people, who had already applied for passes to travel home by personal vehicles and public transport within the state, was extended by three more days till April 30.

The state government had earlier allowed one-way movement within the state for three days by personal vehicles and Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC) buses from April 25 as per the guidelines of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs.