Army personnel rescue 2 civilians from snow slide

Army personnel rescue 2 civilians from snow slide


Two civilians were rescued by Army personnel after a snow slide hit them in the Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Officials said two civilians, Tariq Iqbal and Zahoor Ahmed Khan, both residents of Lacchipura village, were on the road from Lachhipura to Bijhama village at around 07:30 AM on Tuesday when a snow slide hit them.

The incident occurred approximately 200 metres from the post of Lacchipura company operating base and the guard commander who was taking rounds saw the civilians and immediately alerted the Quick Reaction Team, they said.

Khan was half buried in the slide but was extricated safely. After persistent search of over 20 minutes, the second individual, Tariq Iqbal, was also rescued.

Both of them were then evacuated to the Regimental Aid Post, the officials said.

Although Khan was discharged after examination, the other individual remained critical, they said.

The unit medical officer stabilized him and facilitated his subsequent evacuation to a hospital in Baramulla, the officials said.