AIIMS, Jodhpur starts telemedicine


The All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, which closed its OPD services last month to focus on coronavirus patients, is providing consultancy through telemedicine and has issued a number on which people can register and seek medical help.

The hospital has advised people to call on helpline 7733916666 and keep their questions short.

“Considering the inconvenience to people in absence of OPD services, we have decided to provide them the facility of telemedicine, wherein we have provided a common number, through which, consultancy could be obtained by the needy,” AIIMS, Jodhpur, academic dean, Kuldeep Singh said.

Many people, specially the elderly, have been facing hardships due to the closure of OPD services. Jodhpur West police has already rolled out a helpline number for the elderly people who have been living alone.

“By calling on this number, they could ask for any help right from placing any requirement or seeking medical help,” DCP (West) Priti Chandra said.

In just a few days of its launch, the initiative has turned out to be a saviour for many.

Chandra said “we know that this is a difficult time and the police have a dual responsibility to ensure compliance of lockdown or curfew and helping out the citizens in as much reasonable ways as possible”.

The police has also set up a penal of six doctors to help people in need, he said.