Day: March 16, 2024

Retired British woman on trial for holding sign offering to talk to women considering abortion

12:00 pm March 16, 2024

A woman in England is facing trial for offering help to women seeking an abortion in a censorial “buffer zone” which criminalizes “expressions of approval or disapproval of abortion”.   Livia Tossici-Bolt held a sign that read “here to talk, if you want” near an abortion facility in Bournemouth, England, which prompted several individuals to approach her […]

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AOC district neighborhood labeled ‘Third World’ as migrants clog streets and prostitutes overrun every block

11:57 am March 16, 2024

FIRST ON FOX: An area in Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district is being described as looking more like a Third World country as opposed to a thriving American neighborhood, as desperate migrants block up sidewalks selling food and shilling clothing items while prostitutes openly solicit sex from passersby — reportedly including teens.  The neighborhoods of […]

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Ken Buck denies he’s leaving Congress early to hurt Lauren Boebert’s re-election chances: ‘It’s ridiculous’

11:43 am March 16, 2024

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., on Thursday rejected claims that his decision to resign from Congress early is intended to hurt Representative Lauren Boebert’s chances of winning in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District. Buck announced earlier this year that his current term would be his last in the House of Representatives. But on Tuesday, he stunned his […]

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Colorado could become the first state to build separate prison units for transgender felons

11:17 am March 16, 2024

Colorado is poised to become the first state in the country with segregated holding cells for transgender women in prison, if a judge signs off on it.  After a class action lawsuit was filed by several transgender inmates in 2019 against the Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC) alleging discrimination, harassment and assault, a judge is […]

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US colleges bring back standardized testing after finding test-optional policies hurt minority students

10:00 am March 16, 2024

Universities across the United States are reinstating requirements for undergraduate applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores after previously claiming that standardized tests raised concerns about inequality in higher education. University of St. Thomas (Houston, Texas) professor and associate dean David D. Schein told Fox News Digital that standardized testing is merely designed to give […]

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