Day: December 1, 2023

Dutch coalition talks delayed as officials hesitant to caucus with right-wing firebrand Wilders

8:18 pm December 1, 2023

The official appointed to investigate possible coalitions after the Dutch election won by Geert Wilders’ far-right Party for Freedom said Friday he needs more time because of reluctance by potential partners to join Wilders in a government. Ronald Plasterk, a former government minister from the center-left Labor Party, had been expected to present his report […]

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House Republicans anticipate vote to formalize Biden impeachment inquiry ‘soon’

8:17 pm December 1, 2023

A vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry of President Biden is likely to come before the House of Representatives breaks for the December recess, multiple Republicans said Friday. House Rules Committee Chairman Tom Cole, R-Okla., told reporters he expected his committee to get the legislation “sometime next week,” which will likely tee up a House-wide […]

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AMLO announces 20% hike in Mexico’s minimum wage

8:16 pm December 1, 2023

Mexico’s president said Friday the country’s minimum wage will rise by 20% in 2024, to the equivalent of about $14.25 per day. MEXICAN GOVERNMENT FORCES FREIGHT LINES TO PRIORITIZE PASSENGER RAIL About one-third of Mexico’s registered workers report earning the minimum wage, which will amount to about $1.75 per hour starting Jan. 1. In pesos, […]

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Number of nonbinary-identifying students spikes nearly 57% in West Coast state

8:13 pm December 1, 2023

The number of Oregon students identifying as nonbinary increased for the fourth year in a row, jumping nearly 57% from the previous school year, according to new educational data. The Oregon Department of Education on Thursday publicly released its annual report providing data on schools, teachers and students. BLUE STATE SUSPENDS BASIC SKILLS GRADUATION REQUIREMENT […]

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Twitter Files co-author says censorship of social media was worse than he originally thought

8:00 pm December 1, 2023

“Twitter Files” co-author Michael Shellenberger joined “America’s Newsroom” Friday following his congressional testimony alleging “mass censorship” efforts by U.S. and U.K. military contractors against Americans on social media after former President Trump’s election. Shellenberger told the House Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing that the censorship efforts were worse than he originally thought. DEVON ARCHER […]

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