Day: October 6, 2023

MSNBC alarmed by Biden polling deficits on economy, sees ‘big warning signs’ for White House

6:08 pm October 6, 2023

MSNBC sounded the alarm over new polls showing Republicans holding significant leads with voters on the economy and immigration, calling the numbers “big warning signs” for the Democratic Party heading into 2024. “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough expressed amazement at the “unbelievable” polls, remarking Republicans were “absolutely bashing” Democrats when it comes to these issues […]

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The big mistake in Pope Francis’s new climate change scolding

6:00 pm October 6, 2023

It gives me no pleasure to identify the essential problem at the heart of Pope Francis‘s recent Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum: it condemns the economic progress produced by the Industrial Revolution from the mid-19th century to the present. That progress has made life better for the very people the Holy Father wishes to help. The […]

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Doctors Without Borders reports artillery fire in troubled Sudanese city, leaving 11 dead and 90 injured

5:44 pm October 6, 2023

Heavy artillery fire in a conflict-stricken Sudanese city killed at least 11 people and injured 90 others, the aid group Doctors Without Borders said. In a post Friday on X, formerly known as Twitter, the aid group — known by its French initials MSF — said the attack took place in the Karari neighborhood of […]

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Indonesia denies responsibility for haze in Malaysia amid cross-border air quality concerns

5:43 pm October 6, 2023

Indonesia denied Friday that forest and peat fires on Sumatra and Borneo islands were causing the haze in Malaysia, after the neighboring government sent a letter complaining about the air quality and asking to work together to deal with the fires. Forest and peat fires are an annual problem in Indonesia that strains relations with […]

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‘Jeopardy!’ contestant slammed for ‘bonehead wager’: ‘Can’t he count?’

5:01 pm October 6, 2023

A “Jeopardy!” contestant lost big on last night’s episode, and fans have been quick to let him know what he did wrong. Going into the Final Jeopardy round, a man named John was in second place with $14,200, trailing $9,000 behind the contestant in first place. He was the only player to answer the clue […]

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