New Delhi: NCW chairperson Rekha Sharma on Friday sought the arrest of a Shiv Sena MLA for allegedly threatening Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut. Referring to reports about Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik threatening Ranaut, Sharma said she was taking suo motu cognisance in the matter. “He must immediately get arrested @CPMumbaiPolice. Taking suo motu,” she said in a tweet. In a letter issued […]
Read MoreWashington: The Pentagon has ordered the military’s independent newspaper, Stars and Stripes, to cease publication at the end of the month, despite Congressional efforts to continue funding the century-old publication. The order to halt publication by Sept. 30, and dissolve the organization by the end of January, is the latest salvo in the Pentagon’s move earlier this year […]
Read MoreHartford: An animals rights group is suing in federal court to stop a Connecticut aquarium from acquiring five more beluga whales for research, saying they would be harmed by the trip from Canada and by being torn from long-term relationships with others of their species. Friends of Animals, based in Darien, Connecticut, filed the lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court against […]
Read MoreNew Delhi: Asero survey conducted at a leading hospital here over five months has found that the prevalence of antibodies, in a person who has recovered from coronavirus infection, persists for 60-80 days. The survey found that antibodies persisted in the recovered patient’s body for at least 60 days, depending on when the participant was […]
Read MoreOshawa: Police said five people were found dead and another with serious injuries following an early morning shooting Friday in a home east of Toronto. A spokesman said multiple calls came in around 1:20 a.m. reporting the sound of gunshots from a home in Oshawa, Ontario. Constable George Tudos said four of the deceased are believed to be […]
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