Hyderabad : A two-month-old baby was allegedly sold off by his mother for Rs 45,000 to make both ends meet after her husband walked out on her, police said on Wednesday. Based on a complaint filed by the man who returned to her, the infant was traced and six people, including the mother, were arrested, […]
Read MoreLondon: A passenger train derailed in northeast Scotland after stormy weather, killing three people and injuring six others Wednesday, authorities said. The train’s driver is believed to be among the dead, but formal identification has yet to take place, the British Transport Police force said. Six people were hospitalized, but their injuries are not considered […]
Read MoreNew Delhi: US Senator Kamala Harris’ nomination as the vice presidential candidate is a “historic moment” but it is not a surprise at all, her proud uncle said here on Wednesday. Gopalan Balachandran, Harris’ maternal uncle, said she will script many firsts if she wins and expressed the hope her top-level position will give Indians in […]
Read MoreKochi: The Kerala High Court on Wednesday upheld the double life-term awarded to four people in the killing of a gem dealer in Thiruvananthapuram in 2012. In 2014, a trial court in Thiruvananthapuram had awarded double life sentences for five people – Rakhil, Ragesh and Joseph, engineering students M Jithesh and Ajeesh – after finding […]
Read MoreNew Delhi: Congress leader and spokesperson Rajiv Tyagi passed away on Wednesday after suffering a heart attack, the party said. A young leader, Tyagi suffered an attack soon after a TV debate and fell unconscious at his residence in Vaishali, sources said. He was immediately rushed to the Yashoda Hospital in Ghaziabad, where doctors tried […]
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