Singrauli: Three people were killed after two goods trains collided near a village in Madhya Pradesh’s Singrauli district early Sunday morning, police said. The mishap took place around 4.40 am when a coal-laden train heading towards Uttar Pradesh from Amlori mine in Madhya Pradesh collided with an empty goods train near Ghanhari village, located around […]
Read MoreWashington: US President Donald Trump on Saturday said he planned to meet Taliban leaders in the “not-too-distant future”, asserting that it was time that the war against terrorism was fought by someone else, particularly the countries in the region. “I will be meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the not-too-distant future. And we will be […]
Read MoreKabul: As US troops prepare to leave Afghanistan, opening the door for a potential Taliban comeback, women across the war-torn country are nervous about losing their hard-won freedoms in the pursuit of peace. The militants were in power for around five years until the US invasion of 2001. They ruled Afghanistan with an iron fist […]
Read MoreParis: Most of the riders and teams taking part in the abandoned UAE Tour, and who had been quarantined in their Abu Dhabi hotels since Thursday after a coronavirus scare, were cleared to leave the country, sources said. “The pleasure of going home after several days spent at the hotel,” tweeted 2018 world champion Alejandro […]
Read MoreWashington: Like many Americans, bartender Danjale Williams is worried about the growing threat of the novel coronavirus. What makes the 22-year-old in Washington even more frightened: The thought of medical bills she just can’t afford, as one of almost 27.5 million people in the United States who don’t have health insurance. “I definitely would second […]
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